My Etsy Shop

Monday, April 2, 2012

Adventures in Selling, Part 345.63222...

 I began blogging here by discussing what it was like to be a craftsperson, or as I like to call what I am, a Maker, to sell, both indoors and out, and to talk about it from a personal angle..but sometimes Mother Nature throws curves...

Our last Farmer's Market, was, 'not to put too fine a point on it,' a disaster..
It wasn't supposed to rain until late afternoon'/early evening, but, of course, at about 9:30 a.m., once everyone was all set up and ready, the deluge began...and it didn't stop until about 15 minutes before closing time(naturally!)
And then, while driving home in my open-back pickup, the rain again beat down upon the land.
No customers, leaky canopies everywhere, and my stock, composed, this time of year, of yarn, yarn and more yarn, of course was a mass of damp articles needing to be spread all over my little place (home) to dry/air out...
sometimes even the lemonade you try to make with the lemons Life hands you turns out extra sour, too...
I'm only posting about this because, in retrospect, there was/is nothing I could do about whatever Mother Nature chooses to throw at me..all I can do is hope for the best...and prepare for the worst.
Anyone reading this who isn't prepared for disaster dilemmas should think twice about getting involved in outdoor selling..but then, when it's good, it's very it's definitely worth pursuing, to me.

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