My Etsy Shop

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Final Festival...

Saturday is the last of them...I'm plumb outta fairs, markets, festivals, etc til the holiday season-what'll I do?
We all need to have a plan when we wake each morning, and my days have been perhaps too full of this and that..really just marginalia in the book of getting one's shit together, but I need to come down a bit and relax-anybody have any suggestions? How do I stop madly making stuff?

Perhaps a part-time job...I've sorta been offered one, we'll see if that comes to fruition. I think I would take it, just to have the extra cash to do what I wanted to retire for originally-travel about, perhaps rent a boat once in a while- as Ratty said in "Wind in the Willows", there is nothing so nice as messing about in boats..
It would be lovely to live my favourite songs and stories..."Barges" by Ralph Mctell, the most exquisite song about childhood spent on the canals and winding rivers of England-I wish that for myself, not as a memory, too late now, but that I might somehow see it someday.
I think that would be the best gift I could give myself. The gift I wanted to give you, my readers (I know you're out there) was to have a gadget that played "Barges" while you read this...but if it exists, this tech-challenged person doesn't know where to find it-all I can do is leave you a link-play it, close your eyes and go for the journey...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is too bad. We have plenty of festivals and craft fairs and stuff still going on. I think the next one I am going to is the Rockbrook Village craft show. It is held at a shopping center called Rockport Village. It is coming up Sept. 12 and 13 it look like.

