My Etsy Shop

Monday, May 27, 2013

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

  This will be a couple  of postings about inspiration, since I have been thinking often  about the question  in the title...the one I get asked, often more than once, at every market/craft fair/event that I participate in.... thought  it might be interesting (at least to me) to follow through with the beginnings, middles and end results of  inspiration...
I live on  the first floor, sort of, not exactly a basement suite, but partially, I guess, of an old brick farmhouse, and my living room window faces the front yard..where there are various  seasonal things growing that I see...right now it's  beautiful purple iris..don't know why but they really take my breath away, so surreal/strange in shape and  yet so old- fashioned-familiar...always been one of my favourites...I took a couple of photos in the rain this morning, through the window....I'm now thinking about a hat...and maybe a watercolour...but definitely a hat....
So whatever transpires in the next few days, I'll post what I've come up with and the steps to it....

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